

BISS Ch Shorline's Coral Bay Nutrageous

Reggie is pictured with owner/handler Carol Anne Giles.  He was bred by Ronnie & Debbie Doan and is co-owned with Debbie, Michael Giles & Jill Bergman.

Reggie finished his Championship in short order and immediately moved up to the big time - winning 2 huge Specialty Bests over 230+ Pugs at only 14 months of age.  In very limited showing, Reggie qualified as a PDCA Top Twenty Pug, 1999.

Reggie has taken time out to mature and make his mark as a stud.  He is proven and has produced some promising black pups including Ch Coral Bay's Nuts N' Bolts.

Reggie now resides with Ronnie & Debbie Doan in Wisconsin.



C e r t i f i c a t e o f P e d i g r e e Black CH. Sparkle's Blackberry Wine Portly's P-Nut Butter N' Jilli Ravencroft's Woodvale Flower CH. Q' N' QS Pop Secret Ravencroft's Mountain Laurel REG. NAME: TITLES: REG. #: TN741258/05 BREED: PUG COLOR: Black BIRTH DATE: 06/30/1998 SEX: M ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: MULTI BISS WINNER
Signed: Ch. Shorline's Coral Bay Nutrageous BREEDER(S): Deborah Doan Ronnie Doan OWNER: Carol Anne Giles CO-OWNER: Michael Giles CH. Mandralyn Bucks County CH. Walker's Chip off the Ole Block Walker's Kiss of Gold CH. Walker's The Devil Made Me Do It Foonying Flash Gore-Don CH. Walker's I'm No China Doll Foonying Herself the Elf CH. Pris' Black Jack CH. Pousardien's Sammy O'Jack Black Pousardien's Oprah Winfrey CH. Sparkle's Liza Jane Black Ch. Arnie's Black Jack of Velvet CH. Sparkle's Blk Coral of the Sea Black CH. Neu's Fancy Barbie Doll Ch. Bonjor Pippin Ch. Bonjor Chipper Ch. Bonjor Diana Prince Ch. Bonjor Hominy Grits `
Ch. Alexander's Kiss My Grits Ch. Laurel's Honey N' Grits Ch. Bonjor Yum Yum CH. Kendoric's Parker House Roll Troublemaker's Big Boss Man Q' N' QS Ravenvale Ms Bosslady Q' N' QS Bonjor Maggie Poppins I certify that the information contained herein is accurate: Date