

Ch Coral Bay's Nuts N' Bolts

sire:BISS Ch Shorline's Coral Bay Nutrageous   dam: Sherfame's Coral Bay Nightsong

Ace was bred by Carol Anne & Mike Giles of Coral Bay Pugs and is now owned by Karen Norris.




Ace going Breed over Specials his first weekend out under Judge Mr. Joe Joly! 


Breed over Specials again for a major under Judge Mr. Chuck Herendeen. 

Ace pictured winning at the Toy Dog Club Specialty under Mr. Richard Bauer.


           Ace has been bred to Ch Coral Bay's Dixie Chick-- Pups due 10/03!



C e r t i f i c a t e o f P e d i g r e e TN399367/09
Ch. Shorline's Coral Bay Nutrageous Sherfame's Coral Bay Nightsong Keledor's Symphony in Blue Ch. Kesander's Ursa Major ROM Keledor's Cinci Blue Who REG. NAME: TITLES: REG. #: BREED: PUG COLOR: Black BIRTH DATE: 02/09/2000 SEX: M ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: BLACK Signed: Ch. Coral Bay's Nuts N' Bolts BREEDER(S): Carol Anne Giles Michael Giles OWNER: Carol Anne & Michael Giles CO-OWNER: Fernando Sanchez CH. Walker's Chip off the Ole Block CH. Walker's The Devil Made Me Do It CH. Walker's I'm No China Doll CH. Sparkle's Blackberry Wine Black CH. Pousardien's Sammy O'Jack CH. Sparkle's Liza Jane Black CH. Sparkle's Blk Coral of the Sea Ch. Bonjor Chipper Ch. Bonjor Hominy Grits Ch. Laurel's Honey N' Grits Portly's P-Nut Butter N' Jilli Troublemaker's Big Boss Man Q' N' QS Ravenvale Ms Bosslady Ravencroft's Woodvale Flower Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Glory's Motor Scooter Ch. Glory's Pop Tart Ch. Glory's Nighthawk Black Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Glory's Cinders Black Ch. Glory's Prudence CD
Ch. Dannah's Smokin' Joe Am/Can Ch. Kirby's Shotglass Aulgold's Pepper of Sherfame Am/Can Ch. Kirby's Tico Tico Black Black I certify that the information contained herein is accurate: Date