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Champion Coral Bay's Blaque Swashbuckler 'Will' sire: BISS Ch Coral Bay's Power Ranger ROM* dam: Ch Shorline's Coral Bay Buttercup ROM
Will pictured going Best of Winners at the Northern California Pug Club Specialty for a 5 point major under Judge Mr. William Bergum - handled by Virginia Flatley. Will is now residing in sunny California with new owner Blanche Roberts where he recently finished his Championship under Judge Mr. Leonard Reppond. with his third major.
Champion Coral Bay Power Play sire: BISS Ch Coral Bay's Power Ranger ROM* dam: Ch Coral Bay's Hint of Holly 'GRETSKY'
Gretsky pictured at left finishing under Judge Mr. Richard Mullen with his 4th major (4 pts) at 9 months old!
Gretsky is awarded Best Puppy in Sweeps at the 2005 PDCA National Specialty under judge Mr. Chuck Pate
sire: Ch Coral Bay's Winsome Wild Card ROM dam: Ch Coral Bay's Jolie Rouge ROM
Hunter is the 4th son of the awesome Joker/Jolie litter and in keeping with his 3 Champion Brothers' successes Hunter finished quickly in just 10 shows from the Bred By Exhibitor Class! He certainly did us proud... winning B.O.W. for his first 2 points under respected Judge Mr. Edd Bivin (Thank you for the win as well as the compliments! as well as 3 more B.O.W. for 3 majors under Judges Joe Joly, Tom Daniels (pic.) and Tom Kilcullen. and B.O.W. to finish at the Tampa Bay Pug Club Specialty under Judge Bonnie Guggenheim. Hunter also was awarded BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR IN SHOW at the Toy Dog Club of Central Florida Show under Judge Mr. Tom Kilcullen.
sire: Ch Coral Bay's Super Hero dam: Coral Bay's autumn Firefly ROM
Benson started out with a bang, pictured winning a 4 point major his first weekend out! Thank you Mrs. Purkheiser, pictured B.O.W. - 4 pts Thanks also to Judges: Stephen Hubbell - B.O.W - 3 pts Betty Krause - W.D. - 2 pts Jane Forsyth - W.D. - 2 pts Barbara Keenan - B.O.W. - 2 pts John French - B.O.W. - 2 pts
Breeder-Owner-Handler Carol Anne Giles Benson lives with & is loved by co-owner Patti Marshall Special thanks to Patti and family for the wonderful loving home they've provided Benson...I couldn't have picked a better family for this happy boy! Champion Coral Bay's Wanna be a Cowboy sire: Ch Coral Bay's Winsome Wild Card ROM dam: Ch Coral Bay's Jolie Rouge ROM
Cowboy's first time in the ring...a 4 point major under Judge Mrs. Elaine Mathis, also thanks to Judge Ms. Susan St John-Brown, pictured for 'finishing' Cowboy Cowboy finished easily with two '4' point majors and two '3' point majors at just over 12 months of age! Ch Coral Bay Effervescent 'Bubbles'
Wow! Bubbles finished at 8 months old...in 2 show weekends... with two '5' point majors, a '4' point and a '3' pointer ! Breeders-Owners Alan Bower Carol Anne & Michael Giles Sire: Ch Coral Bay's Power Ranger ROM* Dam: Ch Shorline's Coral Bay Buttercup ROM Thank you Julie Secovnie for handling Bubbles to her speedy championship!
Champion Coral Bay's Forever Summer sire: Ch Coral Bay's Super Hero dam: Coral Bay's autumn Firefly
Evie started her show career on 2/26/05 and completed her Championship on 3/13/05... all wins from the puppy class with 3 majors and 3 PUPPY BEST IN SHOWS to her credit! Thank you to all of the Judges who appreciated Evie's beauty
sire: Ch Coral Bay's Super Hero dam: Coral Bay's autumn Firefly
'Pinky' started out
Preacher is an outstanding young dog... finishing, on the tough Florida Circuit... at just 9 months of age!
sire: Ch Coral Bay's Winsome Wild Card ROM dam: Ch Coral Bay's Jolie Rouge ROM
Country finished his Championship in a week of shows on the very tough Florida Circuit...at10 months of age!Pictured winning a major under Judge Ms. Margaret Reed. This boy's bone, substance and awesome attitude set him apart! |