

New Champion

Coral Bay's Action Hero

sire: Ch Coral Bay's Super Hero   dam: Coral Bay's autumn Firefly  



Benson  started out with a bang, pictured winning a 4 point major his first weekend out!

Thank you Mrs. Purkheiser, pictured  B.O.W. - 4 pts

Thanks also to Judges:

Stephen Hubbell - B.O.W - 3 pts

Betty Krause - W.D. - 2 pts

Jane Forsyth - W.D. - 2 pts

Barbara Keenan - B.O.W. - 2 pts

John French - B.O.W. - 2 pts



Breeder-Owner-Handler  Carol Anne Giles

Benson lives with & is loved by co-owner Patti Marshall

Special thanks to Patti and family for the wonderful loving home they've provided Benson...I couldn't have picked a better family for this happy boy!

C e r t i f i c a t e o f P e d i g r e e TR15466201
BISS Winner
Producer of multi BIS & BISS Winner's
BISS Winner
Multi Champion Producer
Black TN15244305
Multi Champion Producer I certify that the information contained herein is accurate: Ch. Glory's Apache ROM* Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Glory's Sadie Hawkins Ch. Hugapugs Sail Away To Coral Bay ROM Ch. Hugapugs Little Bit of Bet Ch. Porter's Spirit of Eighty Six Ch. Sheffield's Bouncing Bet Ch. Coral Bay's Power Ranger ROM Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Gerrie's Rory of Charlamar Ch. Charlamar's Miss Tooie Ch. Glory's Chinaberry Ch. Coral Bay's Super Hero Ch. Glory's Prudence Ch. Warjoy's Axle Grease Glory's Label Me Libby CH. Walker's The Devil Made Me Do It CH. Walker's Chip off the Ole Block CH. Sparkle's Blackberry Wine ROM CH. Walker's I'm No China Doll CH. Sparkle's Liza Jane CH. Pousardien's Sammy O'Jack CH. Shorline's Coral Bay Buttercup CH. Sparkle's Blk Coral of the Sea Ch. Bonjor Hominy Grits Ch. Bonjor Chipper Portly's P-Nut Butter N' Jilli ROM Ch. Laurel's Honey N' Grits Q' N' QS Ravenvale Ms Bosslady Troublemaker's Big Boss Man Ravencroft's Woodvale Flower Ch. Ritters Busy Beaver Ch. Ritters Just Right Ch. Ritter's Bruno of Stabradav Ch. Ritters Smartie Pants Ch. Ritter's Country Lace Ch. Ritter's Wooden Nickel Ch. Frodun-DuLittle's All Fired Up Ch. Ritters Smartie Pants Ch. Sheffield's Jersey Bounce ROM Ch. Cotswold LaBounce of Frodun Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM Frodun's Merry Mobilian Manalapans September Song ROM Coral Bay's Autumn Firefly Ch. Bonjor Chipper Frodun's Merry Dreamer Ch. Gerrie's Rory of Charlamar Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM Gerrie's Gypsy of Charlamar Ch. Coral Bay's Indian Summer ROM Ch. Charlamar's Miss Tooie Ch. Charlamar's J Randall Brown ROM Broughcastl Amy of Charlamar Ch. Royal A's Bailey Irish Cream Ch. Royal A Irish Cream of Bonjor Ch. Royal A's Tasha of Brittany Atlantis Sea Nymph O'Tinghsai Ch. Hallagan Mischif Makr O'Erin Donaldson's Brandi Alexandra Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM BIS/BISS Ch. Coral Bay's Christmas Holly TM90747802
REG. NAME: Ch. Coral Bay's Action Hero BREEDER(S): Carol Anne Giles TITLES: Michael Giles REG. # OWNER: Carol Anne Giles BREED: PUG CO-OWNER: Patti Marshall COLOR: FAWN BIRTH DATE: 03/19/2004 SEX: M ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: TR23065904 Signed: Date