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new Ch Coral Bay's Angelina Ballerina
sire: Atlantis N' Coral Bay's Union Jack dam:
Ch DuLittle's On Wings As Angels Co-owned and co-bred by Carol Anne & Michael Giles & DeAnne Little
Angelina is a lovely, sound bitch with wonderful substance, bone, side gait, tailset and attitude! We're excited about her future as a Mom!
Angelina will be bred in the fall to BIS CH Coral Bay's Super Hero - watch for announcements... C e r t i f i c a t e o f P e d i g r e e TP01229002 TP06120903 Major Pointed Atlantis N' Coral Bay's Union Jack Ch. DuLittle's On Wings As Angels Bullpen's lit'l Miss Honey Pern Ch. Bullpen's Tutson Ackanadin Bullpen's Isi bit O Honey REG. NAME: TITLES: REG. #: TR06460502 BREED: PUG COLOR: Fawn BIRTH DATE: 09/23/2002 SEX: F ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Signed: Ch. Coral Bay's Angelina Ballerina BREEDER(S): Carol Anne & Michael Giles De'Anne Little OWNER: De'Anne Little CO-OWNER: Carol Anne Giles Ch. Ritter's Bruno of Stabradav Ch. Frodun-DuLittle's All Fired Up Ch. Cotswold LaBounce of Frodun Ch. Coral Bay's Jolly Roger TN841719/01 Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Coral Bay's Indian Summer ROM TN19436502 Ch. Coral Bay's Christmas Holly TM90747802 Ch. Charlamar's Deputy Sheriff ROM Ch. Ginmoor Trailblazer O'Atlantis Tartan's Steel Magnolia ROM Atlantis' Touched By An Angel Ch. Belmar Gary of Mianda Atlantis Pennies From Heaven TM98645801 Ch. Atlantis' I Spy An Angel Ch. Ritter's Bruno of Stabradav Ch. Frodun-DuLittle's All Fired Up Ch. Cotswold LaBounce of Frodun Ch. Coral Bay's Jolly Roger TN841719/01 Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Coral Bay's Indian Summer ROM TN19436502 Ch. Coral Bay's Christmas Holly TM90747802 Ch. Ivanwold Generally Speaking Ch. Nabeth of Pern Ch. Pern-Dulittle Dragon Lady Faranth of Pern ROM I certify that the information contained herein is accurate: Date