

Ch. Coral Bay's Indian Summer ROM

sire: BIS Ch Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM    Dam: Ch Coral Bay's Christmas Holly


Summer produced 3 wonderful Champions, including Ch Coral Bay's Jolly Roger, Ch Coral Bay Pirate's Plunder and Ch Coral Bay's Jolie Rouge.

Sadly, we lost Summer while she gave life to Pirate and Jolie.  She is missed.


C e r t i f i c a t e o f P e d i g r e e TM90747802
BIS/BISS Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Coral Bay's Christmas Holly Donaldson's Brandi Alexandra Ch. Donaldson's Blaze Glory Donaldson's Apricot Brandi REG. NAME: TITLES: REG. #: TN19436502 BREED: PUG COLOR: Fawn BIRTH DATE: 01/24/1995 SEX: F ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Signed: Ch. Coral Bay's Indian Summer BREEDER(S): Carol Anne Giles OWNER: Carol Anne Giles CO-OWNER: Michael Giles Ch. Sheffield's Rose Tattoo Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM Ch. Sheffield's Country Cousin Ch. Gerrie's Rory of Charlamar Ch. Charlamar's Ancient Dreamer ROM Gerrie's Gypsy of Charlamar Ch. Gerrie's Ginger No Name Ch. Charlamar's Billy Jo Black Ch. Charlamar's J Randall Brown ROM Ch. Nunally's Witch Hazel Ch. Charlamar's Miss Tooie Ch. Bonjor Clark Kent Broughcastl Amy of Charlamar Ch. Hesters Amber Lady Ch. Bonjor Chipper Ch. Royal A Irish Cream of Bonjor Ch. Laurel's Honey N' Grits Ch. Royal A's Bailey Irish Cream Paulmar's Super Trooper Ch. Royal A's Tasha of Brittany Ch. Cameo's Very Vanilla Ch. Hallagan's Paddy Wagon of Erin Ch. Hallagan Mischif Makr O'Erin TD178891
Atlantis Sea Nymph O'Tinghsai Ch. Hallagan's Wins Um E-Z Weezy TM71322603
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