

Champion Coral Bay Rumors Abound

sire: BISS Ch Coral Bay's Power Ranger        dam: Ch Coral Bay's Turtledove

This puppy kept them talkin' finishing his Championhip in 11 shows from the puppy class!! Pictured with Judge Mr. William Cunningham being awarded WD, BOW,  BOS and a Puppy Group First. Thank you.


C e r t i f i c a t e o f P e d i g r e e TN841726/03
BIS/BISS TN31131805
I certify that the information contained herein is accurate: Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Gerrie's Rory of Charlamar Ch. Charlamar's Miss Tooie Ch. Glory's Apache ROM Ch. Glory's Sadie Hawkins Ch. Dannah's Smokin' Joe Ch. Pfau's Lady Gidget of Gore Ch. Hugapugs Sail Away To Coral Bay Ch. Porter's Spirit of Eighty Six Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM Manalapans September Song ROM Ch. Hugapugs Little Bit of Bet Ch. Coral Bay's Power Ranger Ch. Sheffield's Bouncing Bet Ch. Sheffield's Jersey Bounce ROM Ch. Sheffield's Second Sequence Ch. Gerrie's Rory of Charlamar Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Gerrie's Gypsy of Charlamar Ch. Charlamar's Miss Tooie Ch. Charlamar's J Randall Brown ROM Ch. Glory's Chinaberry Broughcastl Amy of Charlamar Ch. Warjoy's Axle Grease Ch. Warjoy's Coal Crusher Ch. Glory's Prudence Ch. Glory's Sweetclover Glory's Label Me Libby Ch. Glory's Doctor Dimento Glory's Applesauce Ch. Ritters Busy Beaver Ch. Ritters Just Right Ch. Ritter's Bruno of Stabradav Ch. Ritters Smartie Pants Ch. Ritter's Country Lace Ch. Ritter's Wooden Nickel Ch. Frodun-DuLittle's All Fired Up Ch. Ritters Smartie Pants Ch. Sheffield's Jersey Bounce ROM Ch. Cotswold LaBounce of Frodun Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM Frodun's Merry Mobilian Manalapans September Song ROM Ch. Coral Bay's Turtledove Ch. Bonjor Chipper Frodun's Merry Dreamer Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM Ch. Gerrie's Rory of Charlamar Ch. Charlamar's Miss Tooie Ch. Coral Bay's Sno Dove of Hugapug Ch. Glory's Sadie Hawkins Ch. Dannah's Smokin' Joe Ch. Pfau's Lady Gidget of Gore Ch. Porter's Spirit of Eighty Six Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM Manalapans September Song ROM Ch. Sheffield's Bouncing Bet Ch. Sheffield's Jersey Bounce ROM Ch. Sheffield's Second Sequence Ch. Glory's Apache ROM TN15244305
Ch. Hugapugs Little Bit of Bet REG. NAME: Ch. Coral Bay Rumors Abound BREEDER(S): Carol Anne Giles TITLES: Michael Giles REG. # OWNER: Carol Anne Giles BREED: PUG CO-OWNER: Michael Giles COLOR: Fawn BIRTH DATE: 00/00/0000 SEX: M ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: TP25242201 Signed: Date