

BIS/BISS Ch O-Day'sWinning Edge

sire: Ch Albelarm Cutting Edge        dam: O-Day's Fiona McLaren


Win-De is pictured here winning her first Best in Show under the late Breeder Judge Mr. James Cavallaro, handler, Barry Clothier.

Win-De is now retired and happily resides with Barry!

Win-De is owned by Carolyn Koch, Carol Anne and Mike Giles and was bred by Susan Tripp. Win-De  has 12 BEST IN SHOW wins to her credit as well as multiple Specialty Bests, many Group Firsts and Placements.  She has ranked in the PDCA Top 20 ratings '97, '98, '99 and 2000, finishing the latter as #1 Pug  , #5 Toy Dog. Win-De is the Top Group Winning bitch in breed history

We are proud of Win-De's accomplishments, including Best Of Opposite Sex at both the 1999 PDCA National Specialty as well as the 2000 Westminster KC Show and Best of Breed at the PDCA National Specialty 2000.

Win-De joined the Coral Bay crew in '97 and quickly finished her Championship.  She then embarked on her successful 'Specials' career with Carol campaigning Win-De in 1997 and early '98.  She then took time out to whelp a litter, producing 2 male Champions.  Win-De teamed up with Barry in late '98 and soon welcomed aboard Mrs. Carolyn Koch to the crew! Thank you Carolyn for your generous support and enthusiasm,  Barry for your expert care and never-ending energy and last but not least - Sue, for bringing us such a wonderful bitch to brag about!


                                                                        Ch. Ritters Wooden Nickel

                                                         Ch Ritters Just Right

                                                                         Ch. Ritters Chinese Fortune

                                    Ch Ritters Busy Beaver

                                                                         Ch Ritters Tuff E Nuff  

                                                        Ch Ritters Smartie Pants

                                                                            Ch Ritters Somebody Loves Me

sire; Ch Albelarm Cutting Edge

                                                                            Ch Bonjor General Electric

                                                         Ch Ivanwold Generally Speaking

                                                                             Ch Royal A's Merry Mariner

                                    Ch Cameo's Forty Carats                                       

                                                                             Ch Cameo's Orange Julius

                                                        Ch Cameo's Cover Girl

                                                                              Ch Paulmar's Stella By Starlight  


                                                                              Ch Bonjor Clark Kent

                                                         Ch BonjorTuff A' Nuff

                                                                               Bonjor Crystal   

                                   Ch Cameo's Cassanova

                                                                                Ch Cameo's Orange Julius

                                                          Ch Cameo's Fuzzy Navel

                                                                                 Ch Cameo's Minya   

dam; O-Day's Fiona MacLaren

                                                                                 Ch Bonjor Peter Parker

                                                         Ch Harpers Tommy Tune

                                                                                  Ch Harpers Star Sapphire

                                    Harper's Name That Tune

                                                                                   Ch Harpers Huie Lewis

                                                          Beninate's Ky-lin Star       

                                                                                    Ky-Lins Pukatwa               


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