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Champion Glory's Apache ROM** 1994-2010 sire: BIS Ch Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM***** dam: Ch Glory's Sadie Hawkins Apache was Owner - Handled to all wins by Carol Anne & Mike Giles - Coral Bay Pugs and was bred by Glory Smith & Diana Helmbolt. To Glory & Diana, Mike & I would like to express our most sincere appreciation for sharing this very special Pug with us. There are no words to express what this little guy truly means to us - Apache has been our heart, a joy to live with every day...and we thank you. He has produced beautifully for us, with 15 Champion Get to date...and counting. We've been discriminative in whom he's been bred to and have been happy with the results. Watch for his handsome son CH CORAL BAY'S WINSOME WILD CARD aka: Joker whom is also producing beautiful, sound, healthy pups!
Apache pictured finishing his championship from the 6-9 puppy class under Judge Ms. Glenda Dawkins.
Apache winning his second Best in Match over 200 puppies at the Boca Raton Dog Club at the age of 4 1/2 Months!
Apache's first weekend out, at just 6 months, he goes Winners dog for a 5 point major at the Pug Club of So. Florida Specialty under Australian Judge Ms. Allison Mount! Apache was proudly owner-handled to this win by Mike!!! !
My sweet boy...just shy of 16 years old. He was the backbone of Coral Bay Pugs and my hearts delight! Apache will be missed beyond description.
C e r t i f i c a t e o f P e d i g r e e
Ch. Charlamar's Indian Scout ROM
Ch. Glory's Sadie Hawkins
Gore's Legacy Lady
Ch. Gore's Fanci Adam
Nally's Li'l Skimper
REG. #:
Ch. Glory's Apache ROM
Glory Smith
Diana Helmbolt
Carol Anne Giles
Michael Giles
Ch. Sheffield's Rose Tattoo
Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM
Ch. Sheffield's Country Cousin
Ch. Gerrie's Rory of Charlamar
Ch. Charlamar's Ancient Dreamer ROM
Gerrie's Gypsy of Charlamar
Ch. Gerrie's Ginger No Name
Ch. Charlamar's Billy Jo Black
Ch. Charlamar's J Randall Brown ROM
Ch. Nunally's Witch Hazel
Ch. Charlamar's Miss Tooie
Ch. Bonjor Clark Kent
Broughcastl Amy of Charlamar
Ch. Hesters Amber Lady
Ch. Sheffield's Little Red Wagon ROM
Ch. Sheffield's Jersey Joe Porter
Manalapans September Song ROM
Ch. Dannah's Smokin' Joe
Ch. Glory's Doctor Dimento
Glory's Bon Bon
Ch. Glory's Shooting Star
Gore's Mr Buckshot
Calico Farm Sir Ralph of Gore
Ch. Pfau's Lady Gidget of Gore
Sassy Shasta O'Gore
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